Sol-Land Lodge holds our monthly heritage meetings at the First Lutheran Church at 395 and Yelm in Kennewick (If the map to the right doesn't appear click this link). Our monthly heritage meeting is held on the 3rd Friday at 6:00 pm, with social hour starting at 5:30. We usually have a potluck dinner at 6:30PM, followed by a cultural presentation at 7:30 PM (click here for cultural presentation schedule). Guests are NOT expected to bring food, just to come and enjoy themselves. Communication with the membership is a vital function for the Lodge. Our board meetings are held on the Monday after the General Meeting at 7:00 pm at the First Lutheran Church (Fireside Room). Any or all members are welcomed to board meeting, where most of the detailed business of the lodge is conducted. See our calendar and cultural events pages for planned general heritage meeting events.